Comment #4: Oscar

Hej Oscar!
I like that you provided a quite structured blog post describing not only the process of getting feedback and taking valuable information from it, but also how you personally felt about it and the obstacles you came across. With your introduction and conclusion you also create a good framework for your blog post, that the reader can easily follow.
I also like, that your blog post takes on the issue on a design level, rather than going into details of bugs or code snippets that were or were not working. However, I wished you went a bit more into detail naming how you are planning to improve the game based on the feedback and what design decisions you eventually made. Additionally, I missed a picture or something visual that he reader could hold on to. This could have been a picture of someone testing your game, a screenshot of the improvements you made or an image showing the feedback or the notes you took resulting from it.
Besides that, I enjoyed reading your blog post, because it was easily readable also for people outside the department and it gives the reader something valuable that you learned and wrote down, passing it on to the reader.


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